Pay Rule - Rounding Setup

Here is where you configure rounding rules,

as well as the abscent setting.

Round: Rounding gives you the ability to edit time transactions to match certain time intervals. You can choose to round all transactions or select transactions according to the type of punch (Shift In and Shift Out, for example). All settiings in each column, apply to that columns heading.

Let's look at each type of setting, and how each is applied. Remember that each of these options appears in each of four columns, so setting the option in a column, applies to that column.






These values determine to what minute you will round early punches.

Example: a setting of 10 (minutes) would round the value to the nearest ten minutes. A punch made at 8:37 AM would round to 8:40 AM.


These values determine to what minute you will round late punches.

Example: a setting of 10 (minutes) would round the value to the nearest ten minutes. A punch made at 5:27 PM would round to 5:30 PM.


These values determine to what minute you will round a punch made by employees with no scheduled time; is not scheduled to work, and punches in.

Forward only

When checked, punched time will always round forward.

Backward only

When checked, punched time will always round backward.

Outside grace

When checked, only time outside of the grace period will be rounded.

Within grace

When checked, only time inside the grace period will be rounded.

Round to schedule



When enabled, punches within the configured guidelines will always be rounded to the employee's scheduled hours.

Note: The Grace Period settings are covered next under the Pay Rule - Grace tab settings.

Outside grace

When selected, all punches made outside of the set grace period will be rounded to the employee's schedule

Within grace

When selected, all punches made within the employee's set grace period will be rounded to their schedule.

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