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Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule                                                                

How do I use the Weekly Schedule screen?

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How do I?
Jump to week?
Previous week?
Next week?


This screen is used to display complete schedule information of a week.

This screen display shift preferences details of the employee

This screen display certification details of the employee

Weekly Schedule screen includes the following items:

Advance Options:

This option allows to expand or collapse some specific features (Hours scheduled, Department, Position, Default Schedule, All Extra Columns, No Extra Columns)

All extra columns:

Upon click on this button it will add following columns in the grid:

Hours/Department/Position/Default Schedule.

No extra columns:

Upon click on this button it will remove following columns in the grid:

Hours/Department/Position/Default Schedule


This check box is used to show/hide Information grid which contains shift preference and Certification information.

Schedule Grid: This grid display the schedule details of the employee it includes the following columns


Upon click on this option it will display the shift preferences details of the employee. Please click here for more details.


This column displays day of the schedule.


This column displays date of the schedule.


This column displays starting time of the schedule.


This column displays ending time of the schedule.


This column displays hours of the schedule.


This column displays the group name of the schedule.


This column displays the department name of the schedule.


This column displays the current position of the employee.

Job Type:

This column displays the job type of the Employee.

Default Schedule:

This column displays the current schedule of the employee.          


This option is displays the assigned schedule of the employees.


This option displays whether there is any conflict in the schedule or not. Yes denotes that the conflict is there, No denotes there is no conflict there.

Additional Information:

Additional Information column displays the additional information of the schedule.

Shift Preference Grid: This grid display the shift preference details of the employee. It includes the following columns:

View (shift preference):

This column displays the shift preference screen of the employee and allows you to do your desired modifications in the schedule. Please click here for more details.


This column displays the name of the day

Shift Preference:

This column displays the preferred shift by the employee.


This column displays the schedule preference priority according to the employee.

Page size:

This allows to choose total no of records display in a page of the grid.

Certification Grid: This grid displays the Certification details of the employee. It includes the following columns

Certification Name:

This column displays the qualification information of the employee.


This column displays the expiry date of the certificate.  


This column displays total no.of days of the certificate.


Displays true or false value. True refers required and False refers not required.


Upon click on this check box it denotes that we do not want the employee for that particular shift.

View screen also includes the following items in a separate grid :

Pay Week:

This option displays number of hours of the week for which the employee will be paid.


This option displays information regarding the status of the shift/hour/time for the complete week.


This option displays the information regarding the total hours that employee worked for.


This option displays when the employee will not be available.


This option displays total number of hours of the shift.


This option displays the time for which employee will be not paid.


This option displays total over time hours of the employee.


If a shift started from at 10 AM at night and ends at 8 AM at week next day then 6 hours of the shift that are occupied next day considered as spillover hours.

Not Counted:

This displays the time which will not be considered in working hours like break time etc.


This displays the adjusted hours in the schedule.


This displays the current group name of the employee.


This displays the current departement name of the employee.


This displays the current position of the employee.


This displays the current supervisor name of the employee.

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Jump To Week: This allow to choose the desired day and date from the calender icon. It displays the record of the week as per selection.
       Select date from the calender icon.
       It will display the record of the current week as per selection.

Previous week: Upon click on this button it displays the last week schedule information of the Employee.

Next  week: Upon click on this button it displays the next week schedule information of the Employee.
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Done: Upon click on this button it will close the weekly schedule window and land you to the schedule screen

Employee : This allows to select an employee from the drop down whose schedule detail, shift preferences etc. information will be populated in the grid
       Select the employee from the drop down.
       The information will populate of the selected employee in the grid.

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